Bridal Makeup at Stanton Manor
Caroline and myself had the privilege of doing bridal makeup for Lindsey the bride, her three bridesmaids and Lindsey’s mum. What a beautiful day it was last Saturday the 27th February 2016, a perfect spring like day for a beautiful wedding in a lovely setting. We arrived at Stanton Manor House, Stanton st Quintin around 9.15 am, set up ready to work our magic at 9.30 am. The bridesmaids were in navy blue dresses so we added some subtle navy eyeshadow and liner to tie their makeup into the colour scheme. Lindsey’s mum was wearing purple so I use pinks and plums on her eyes with a mid pink lipstick she looked very glamorous. Lindsey was wanting more of a classic bridal makeup look so we used deep brown and mink to enhance her eyes and a rosie pink lipstick to finish off. Bridal makeup looks beautiful but we always recommend false lashes and normally would add a set of strip lashes. Lindsey chose to have lash extensions which we highly recommend as they look natural but a lot fuller than your own. They have the advantage that they last up to 3 weeks so great for in and out of the pool on honey moon, no worries about mascara smudging. Lindsey had her own hairdresser do her wedding hair and her photographer was John Barwood and his wife from Bristol.